Amanita Muscaria – The Legal Magic Mushroom

Amanita Muscaria contains absolutely no psilocybin! Psilocybin is the active ingredient in magic mushrooms and while studies showing the many benefits have been ongoing for over 40 years, they are still considered a Schedule I Drug by the United States Government. Recently thousands of medical studies have proven that when these mushroom molecules are used in a safe controlled environment, Psilocybin and Amanita Muscaria can be very effective for stress, chronic anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Study Links Here

About Amanita Muscaria

Amanita Muscaria has captivated human fascination for centuries due to its distinctive appearance and intriguing properties. Recent research has shed light on some potential benefits of this iconic fungi, some of which can be harnessed through innovative supplements like My Mushroom Health Amanita gummies containing 1,000mg of pure Muscimol with the Ibotenic Acid removed for safety.

One of the most well-known aspects of Amanita Muscaria is its traditional use among indigenous cultures for its psychoactive effects. The mushroom contains compounds like muscimol and ibotenic acid, which can induce altered states of consciousness when consumed. Some users report experiences of euphoria, enhanced creativity, and even spiritual insights during their journeys.

MyMushroomHealth Amanita gummies offer a convenient and measured way to explore these effects, ensuring a safer and more controlled experience for those interested in unlocking the psychoactive potential of this mushroom. Beyond its psychoactive potential, Amanita Muscaria has also garnered attention for its potential medicinal properties. In some traditional herbal medicine systems, this mushroom has been used to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Additionally, research has suggested that certain compounds found in Amanita Muscaria may have neuroprotective properties and could potentially be explored for their therapeutic potential in neurological disorders. With MyMushroomHealth Amanita gummies, individuals can incorporate these potential medicinal benefits into their daily routines, harnessing the power of this fascinating mushroom in a convenient and accessible form.

Ibotenic Acid and Muscimol

Ibotenic acid and Muscimol are the properties of this mushroom that provide psychedelic effects. These two properties are closely related, and they are nearlyidentical in molecular structure, but when the Ibotenic acid becomes decarboxylated, which means to “heat up” it changes the molecule into pure Muscimol. Muscimol can cause a wide range of effects that include drowsiness, slight euphoria, visual and auditory enhancements, and other psychotropic effects. Ibotenic Acid can produce similar effects but with some milder disassociated psychedelic effects and AT HIGH DOSES can cause some stomach upset for people who consume too much. For this reason, removed the Ibotenic Acid in our product leaving you with pure Muscimol for a safe and effective experience.

Amanita Muscaria Vs Psilocybin

The effects of Psilocybin and Amanita Muscaria are very similar, and both compounds produce a mild to deep alteration in perception depending on the dose and the person’s metabolic absorption. We have always stated and will continue to suggest a small micro dose first in order to find the right dose for you. Alterations are described by feelings of relaxation, ecstasy or blissfulness and an altered sense of awareness. In both cases, this experience is accompanied by a shift in sensitivity to anxiety and fear, as well as a shift of the consumers’ way of processing negative thoughts and emotions. For this reason, it has been used on people who have chronic anxiety, depression and PTSD in a safe and legal manner. Begin with ½ gummy and within 1-2 hours you will either notice a light feeling or not. You may increase to 1 full gummy or even two if you choose. Some people choose to just take a small dose each day for 1 week ( ½ or one full gummy ) and then stay off the product for another week. Then repeat.

This is one way to micro dose. See our web site here specifically for the many ways to micro dose. Some people will slowly increase the number of gummies they take at one time to experience a more psychedelic feeling. CAUTION: Only take more than one gummy in a safe environment with supervision.

Raw Amanita Muscaria Vs Cooked / Processed

Although Amanita Muscaria has been eaten raw by indigenous tribes for thousands of years without fatal effects many mycologists do not suggest eating them raw, nor do we here at MyMushroomHealth. We suggest staying away from raw Amanita consumption. Remember, everyone’s digestive system processes these alkaloids differently, and the dosage for each person with Amanita Muscaria is different because everyone’s metabolism is unique. Small amounts are favorable to test and see how your body processes the molecule.

Our products contain activated Mycelium and Amanita Muscaria to be as safe as possible. Start with ½ gummy and see how you feel after 1 hour. You can always increase each day to find your optimal feeling. You can expect very different effects with a large dose. The most common effects are increased alertness, elevated mood, increased energy, feelings of wellbeing and potential visual enhancements. Seems like fun, but if eaten raw without decarboxylation, you can feel an urge to purge, diarrhea and even vomiting which is not fun. So again…always start your protocol with a micro dose and slowly increase your dose as you assess the benefits for you. For this reason, we only sell 5 and 10 packs of these gummies and we have branded them MicroPsilium.