History of Fungal Colonies

The field of Mycology and the study of its benefits is exploding, and for good reason. Without Fungal colonies, humans could have never existed. Let that sink in. Mycelium the active compound found in many functional mushroom species is a remarkable series of connections that when applied to the skin or consumed, assist the body with homeostasis (the process of balanced cellular health). Mycelium regulates health at the microscopic level. Click here to watch the VIDEO.

Recently Michael Polland assembled a huge amount of research and data on several natural materials that cause psychotropic effects on the brain in positive ways. The book “how to change your mind” and recently the video documentary “How to change your mind” focuses on the medicinal properties of many natural plants that make changes in the brain such as Ergot, LSD, DMT, MDMA and Psilocybin. His research, as well as hundreds of other PhD’s have concluded that when used properly in controlled settings, have remarkable positive effects on many debilitating conditions such as PTSD, OCD, depression, chronic anxiety and pain.

Dr. Albert Hoffman, a Swiss chemist in 1950 conducted thousands of controlled experiments with patients who had significant mental instabilities. His research with LSD on these patients showed over 70% cure for diseases including Alcoholism, Depression and Schizophrenia. He concluded that these “Non Lethal Biological compounds” have significant benefit to the human brain. Along with balancing neurotransmitters these compounds appear to “open up” regions of the brain that have been closed off or not yet optimized. In fact, Bill Wilson the founder of AA attributes his cure of chronic alcoholism to the testing he himself experienced with LSD under a controlled setting.

Bill Wilson went on to create one of the most amazing organizations in the world for mental health. AA has no property, no income, no expenses, no corporate structure or bylaws; but instead is a perfect plan of pay it forward and help others with an intelligent well designed 12 step process. Bill W. says after his experience with LSD, his mind somehow just knew….”your battle is in the past, you are now free”. This message he attributed to the drug allowing him to tap into the Devine. This connects to the rule in AA that without a belief in a higher power, you can never be cured.

Dr. Timothy Leary, a Harvard PhD in 1960 worked on many similar studies with the same results. Not one person had a negative experience. He also was the founder of the term “Set & Setting” when exploring these compounds. Set & Setting refer to the way in which you prepare for the event and the place where you conduct the event is vital to a positive result. No one should experience a large dose of any psychotropic drug ( including THC from Cannabis ) alone on a rooftop deck. The drug won’t kill you, but accidentally walking off the roof might. Richard Alpert had a complete transformation and became the famous guru Rham Das who shared his meaning of life with millions of people.

During the late 60’s LSD studies were conducted at Stanford University with engineers who were working on challenging unsolved problems. The research concluded with 100% success, meaning every single engineer who was working on a problem to make something work, succeeded after taking a controlled dose of LSD. Again in the 1960’s Dr. Doug Englebert was credited with the invention of the first Computer (PC) complete with a hand held device that could make selections on the screen referred to as a mouse. Stewart Brand in 1966 contacted NASA and requested the astronauts take a picture of the Earth from the space capsule to show all the people on Earth what it looked like from space. That picture went on to be one of the most famous images of that decade and Brands famous book The Whole Earth Catalog was born. Steve Jobs was quoted with using LSD and Psilocybin and stated that his creativity benefitted by their use. As more people found these compounds they began to be used recreationally and the many 60’s peace movements and protests that caused some harm to people became the fodder for the massive Government anti drug movement of the late sixties and seventies. During this time all research had ceased and these compounds were re classified as Schedule 1 drugs and made illegal. Additionally, much of the research data was collected and destroyed.

The first US approval was September 2000 when Dr Ronald Griffiths a psychopharmacologist with Johns Hopkins university conducted studies with Magic Mushrooms (psilocybin) on patients with neurological conditions. His study showed that 30% of the patients reported in their own words that it was the most significant transformational event of their entire lives. Further, each patient reported positive changes in mood, behavior and sleep. Many stated it allowed them to let go of childhood programming and negative thought patterns. These studies have helped millions of people understand the benefits of natural chemicals (not manmade) as these natural molecules OPEN UP pathways in the brain, while most synthetic chemicals and prescription drugs BLOCK pathways in artificial ways which is why they have some many side effects.

Additional studies were approved in Switzerland in 2006, when Dr Peter Gasser requested approval from the ministry of health to conduct controlled clinical trials that the research continued. His research was focused on treating people with Cancer, PTSD, and Depression with LSD and Psilocybin. The results were extremely favorable and positive for every subject who each in their own words stated “it’s not intoxication, but more like transformation”. Another early pioneer was Rick Dobblins work with MDMA within the MAPS organization has changed thousands of lives with his research and application of MDMA for people with chronic PTSD. One army vet reported after treatment “today is the first day in seven years, the thought of killing myself didn’t even enter my mind”. This is significant and profound.

States are beginning to approve the use of these substances for the sheer number of patients who have been cured of debilitating conditions. The movement Decriminalize Nature (initiative – 81) has grown in many states and has successfully navigated the legal process in their fight to allow natural compounds to be used for health and well-being. Oakland California was the first to ratify their laws and many other states have followed along. This is a huge step forward for natural plants to help people all over the United States.

Our goal here at Mushroom Health is to increase awareness about Mycelium mushroom compounds that have a positive effect on human health. For more than 6 years between 2016 and 2022 our Company helped reduce suffering for more than 200,000 people through the education and use of non psychotropic cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC and CBDVa as well as Mushrooms like Reishi. The CBD Company was sold in May 2022 and the expertise continued in the field of Mycology research and formulation which again has seen significant growth and is now the focal point moving forward for Plant Health Mushrooms.