Mushrooms For ED Erectile Dysfunction

Medicinal Mushrooms for ED Erectile Disfunction. E.D. also known as Erectile Disfunction is a man’s inability to get or hold an erection. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a physical or psychological condition. It can cause stress, relationship strain, and impair a man’s self-confidence. This can lead to low self esteem, anxiety and even depression. Libido is also a proper balance in body chemistry. If chemical imbalances occur, they effect libido.

Causes of ED

The most common physical causes of erectile dysfunction are related to circulation and blood pressure. (psychological issues are more complex). Heart disease, atherosclerosis, (hardening of the arterial walls). High cholesterol and high blood pressure can all impact the amount of blood flowing to the genital region. Diabetes contributes to ED by damaging nerves and blood vessels limiting blood flow.

Cholesterol and ED

Cholesterol is essential for making many critical hormones, including the stress hormone cortisol. It assists with adrenal glands function. Cholesterol is also used to make the sex hormones testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. The liver also uses cholesterol to make bile, a fluid that plays a vital role in the processing and digestion of fats. Medical study links found on our website.

Why You Need Cholesterol

Cholesterol serves three main purposes: 1. It aids in the production of sex hormones. 2. It’s a building block for human tissues. 3. It assists in bile production in the liver. Additionally, your brain requires Cholesterol to function. Its main function is to maintain the integrity and fluidity of cell membranes and serves as a precursor for the synthesis of vital substances including hormones, bile acids, and vitamin D.

Types of Cholesterol

There are 3 TYPES of Cholesterol. HDL, Non-HDL, and LDL. A balanced HDL Level = 40. Levels of Non-HDL = less than 130. LDL level = less than 100. Average total Cholesterol levels in adults is 120 to 200. While 200 is on the high end for some this can be normal if it doesn’t fluctuate.

HIGH = Change

If your Cholesterol is high, it is a sign that you need to adjust your diet to help lower the levels naturally. Diet is the leading cause of high Cholesterol. If your Cholesterol is 199 (near the high limit) you may be prescribed a Statin Drug from your doctor. Statin’s will artificially change your chemistry to try and lower cholesterol & this affects “many” other chemical balances. If you choose this route, be aware of the following facts. Some people’s levels run higher that others 175 to 200. If you do not see your level rising over time this may be normal. Prescriptions are not 100% natural and can cause side effects.

Medications and ED

Prescription medications can contribute to E.D. When you are on a STATIN drug, the chemical will also affect other chemical symphonies in the body. Research has shown that Statin drugs may lower your cholesterol effectively, but what about the side effects? Low sex drive, Lethargic, Brain fog. Cholesterol effects brain function and libido which is why changing your diet to lower it naturally is optimal. If you’re not producing it, it’s affecting other things.

Medicinal Mushrooms and ED

Medicinal mushrooms are filled with nutrients such as Riboflavin, B-2, folate, B-9, Thiamine, B-1, Pantothenic acid, B-5, Niacin, B-3, and many other B vitamins. Polysaccharides and Beta Glucans are also very healthy. Mushrooms also contain vitamins & minerals including zinc, magnesium, copper, potassium, selenium, phosphorous, and antioxidants.


Activated Mycelium helps to lower Cortisol which is a stress hormone in the brain. Nutrients in mushrooms, especially Turkey tail and Reishi help stimulate the 5-HT1A Hydroxytryptamine Serotonin receptor. This makes them great for anxiety. Medicinal Mushrooms are a chemical balancer for millions of membranes helping to maintain chemical balance in the cells.

Consider Medicinal Mushrooms before you go on a Statin drug to see if your body will respond naturally as well as changing your diet. Less red meat, cheese and dairy often is all that is required to make a useful change to the body. The reduction of cheese and red meat along with more Polyphenols like healthy greens, Broccoli, Asparagus, Sprouts, Spinach and Kale can make significant changes with not RX drugs. Take time to watch Game Changers documentary where they show cholesterol reduction in 90 days. Myfeelium 4 in 1 Gummies contain, Lions Mane, Reishi, Turkey Tail, and Cordyceps. 250 mg of “activated” mycelium compound in each great tasting gummy. Non activated is common and not best. Our bottle contains 30 chews per bottle. We also have a 10 in 1 complex.