
Medicinal Mushrooms for Migraines

New studies are showing many benefits for medicinal mushrooms for migraines. Migraines and Cluster Headaches are chronic and very debilitating to those who suffer from them. Prescription medications designed to treat these conditions commonly cause other issues with minor to severe side effects. Migraines can last for hours to days, and cluster headaches can last for weeks even months. Those who suffer are desperate for relief and this article will give these people some natural options.

Medical Studies: NCBI Study on Migraines and Cluster Head Aches  

Within this specific study, the psychedelic tryptamines present in psychedelic mushrooms were described as remarkably effective and constituted a majority of the reports from users. For prophylactic treatment of CH, the psychedelic tryptamines were typically seen as the primary realistic option. “Only psychedelic mushroom treatments are shown to stop the recurrence of the cluster cycle.” Cannabis was also studied and had few results compared to mushrooms.

Gut Issues and Migraines

Most headaches are caused by Gut issues, and it is important to understand that antibiotics destroy good gut bacteria. The majority of prescription medications alter gut microbes. For those with chronic headaches, try researching Food sensitivities to learn about foods to avoid for your Blood Type. Processed meats and cheese along with Glyphosate in many wheat / corn-based foods will only make the condition worse. Stop consuming dairy and cheese to start, and things will change within weeks.

Stress and Migraines

Stress can cause acute and chronic changes in certain brain areas which can cause long-term damage. These stress hormones will hinder the  hippocampus from receiving enough energy by diverting glucose levels to surrounding muscles creating pain & inflammation. Stress affects many memory functions and cognitive functioning of the brain as well.

Dehydration and Migraines

Research is conflicting on the long-term effects of dehydration on the brain. What we do know is dehydration and a loss of sodium and electrolytes can cause acute changes in memory and attention as well as cause pain. The body needs water to remain in balance.

Migraines and The Side of the Brain

Depending on which side of the head the pain is present can point to a possible cause. LEFT SIDE: Thymus Gland issue = toxins. RIGHT SIDE: Thyroid problem or imbalance, and Hippocampus.

THE THYMUS: The Thymus gland is a small organ behind the breastbone that plays an important function both in the immune system and endocrine system. Though the thymus begins to atrophy (decay) during puberty, its effect works on the T- lymphocytes to fight infections for a lifetime. These T- lymphocytes are also known as T Cells.

T CELLS: A T cell is a type of lymphocyte white blood cell. It plays an important role in the immune system by attacking virus-infected cells, foreign cells, pathogens and cancer cells. The “T” in T cell stands for Thymus. They originate in bone marrow, and the Thymus is where T cells mature.

THYROID: The Thyroid gland, is an endocrine gland in the neck consisting of two connected lobes. The lower two thirds of the lobes are connected by a thin band of tissue called the thyroid isthmus. The thyroid is located at the front of the neck, below the Adam’s apple. When removed, the body has a hard time regulating and doctors will put people on Rx medications for life. (never a good thing)

THYROID FUNCTION: The Thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic rate as well as heart and digestive function, muscle control, brain development, mood and bone maintenance. Its correct functioning depends on having a good supply of iodine from the diet. Similarly, many nutrients in mushrooms help stimulate the Thyroid gland via the Vagus Nerve. We mention the Vagus nerve in many of our educational mushroom videos.

HYPOCAMPUS: The Hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe. It has a major role in learning and memory. It is a vulnerable structure that gets damaged by a variety of negative stimuli. The hippocampus is located under the cerebral cortex in the allocortex.

Our Medicinal Mushrooms for Migraines

Medicinal mushrooms have been proven to influence the Vegas Nerve which has control over numerous regulatory functions. Therefore, if you choose to start a Mushroom protocol, always start low around 100 mg per day and slowly increase your dose every 3-5 days until your condition improves. This is how you find YOUR dose. Thus, each person’s dose is unique to their metabolism.

Our MyFeelium Mushroom Gummies contain 4 functional mushrooms in 1. Turkey Tail, Reishi, Lions Mane and Cordyceps. They contain 250 mg of “activated” mycelium compounds in each great tasting gummy. Non activated is common but not the best for absorption. Our bottle contains 30 chews with no bad after taste or repeating.

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