How Mushrooms Detoxify

How Mushrooms Detoxify

Medicinal mushrooms have many benefits, including the fact that mushrooms detoxify. Bacteria and fungi can form a wide range of molecular communication for their development and functioning. These bacterial-fungal interactions can result in dramatic changes to the nutritional influence of plants or animals (including humans). They can also result in unique contributions to biogeochemical cycles…

Medicinal Mushrooms for Sex Drive

Medicinal Mushrooms for Sex Drive

Many people may have never considered medicinal mushrooms for sex drive, but it is become more and more common. While the topic may be a bit sensitive to some, intimacy is a very important activity for health and wellness. Your body releases powerful immune supportive chemicals before, during and after sexual activity including Oxitosin. Intimacy…

Medicinal Mushrooms for Migraines

Medicinal Mushrooms for Migraines

New studies are showing many benefits for medicinal mushrooms for migraines. Migraines and Cluster Headaches are chronic and very debilitating to those who suffer from them. Prescription medications designed to treat these conditions commonly cause other issues with minor to severe side effects. Migraines can last for hours to days, and cluster headaches can last…

Turkey Tail Mushroom Benefits and How They Work

Turkey Tail Mushroom Benefits and How They Work

Turkey Tail Mushrooms are a natural medicinal mushroom that has adaptive healing properties through the active Mycelium molecule. This means that it targets inflammation in human cells through the TRPV1 receptor which is a G protein-coupled receptor. Adaptogenic molecules like these are considered smart molecules. Turkey Tail also referred to as Trametes versicolor, or Coriolus versicolor. This…